How I Would Learn Digital Marketing (If I Could Start Over)


In this video, you'll learn how I would learn digital marketing if I could start my 15 year career over again.

Additional Marketing Resources

Complete SEO Course for Beginners: Learn to Rank #1 in Google ►

11 Digital Marketing Skills You Should Master ►

How to Start a Career in Digital Marketing (Step-by-Step) ►

Digital Marketers: Stop Ignoring These Things ►

Digital Marketing Tutorials and Career Advice ►

I’ve been in the digital marketing industry for well over a decade. And while I’ve had my fair share of successes, I’ve had significantly more failures. Based on my experiences, this video will walk you through how to start a career in digital marketing successfully.

Here are a few things you may want to consider the following:

► Choosing one specific area of digital marketing to focus on
► Absorb as much knowledge as you can
► Implement what you've learned into actual practice
► Get a job or internship at an agency

While these may sound high level, the order in which you do things is important to your success in your online marketing career.

Watch the full video to gain a strategic path with a job in internet marketing and shortcut your way to learning digital marketing fast.

#learndigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcareer #digitalmarketing

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We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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    • Muhammad Tawhidul Islam Deen
    • August 16, 2023

    Heyy I’ve been waiting a long time for a video from you like this.

    Thank you for the video … and can I mail you sometime?

    • YouAreImagination
    • August 16, 2023

    Great stuff!!!

    • Andy Ang
    • August 16, 2023

    Hey Sam, just want to let you know that I really admire (and greatdful for) your work.

    Thanks for all that you do!


    • Tina M.
    • August 16, 2023

    Thanks a lot, Sam, for honesty! 🙂

    • Kate Ryan
    • August 16, 2023

    You actually made the “This is fine” meme cute! LOL!

    • Revival
    • August 16, 2023

    Summary of the video:
    💼 Started 14-year digital marketing career, built/sold online businesses, recognized expert.
    💡 Choose an area: email, PPC, SEO, social media; master it.
    📚 Learn step by step: basics, connections, execution; take newbie classes.
    🚀 Apply what you learn, create a site for hands-on experience.
    💼 Secure an agency job/internship for varied projects, mentorship, quick learning.
    ⚠ Avoid costly shortcuts, build strong foundational skills.
    🤝 Network with like-minded peers, respected pros in your niche.
    🔍 Decide path: expert (manager), niche (authority), or broad (complementary skills).
    🌱 Keep learning, embrace the journey, gain insights from others, practice intentionally.

    • Good Nuel
    • August 16, 2023

    Thank you for this, Sam. Very helpful.

    • Avi
    • August 16, 2023

    👍❤ wonderful

    • Shohag Biswas
    • August 16, 2023

    This content is a gold. Thanks for sharing.

    • CampusInsider
    • August 16, 2023

    Thumbnail and Video Title Copied from Senator we run ads channel.

    • Atlantic Fellas
    • August 16, 2023

    Lots of respect for sharing valuable experiences.
    Have a good day ❤

    • Alexis Montréal
    • August 16, 2023

    I value your videos and your SEO course but this time I just don’t agree with you.
    Focusing on SEO only is terrible advice, because it’s very risky. What are you going to do the day you lose 90% of your free Google traffic?
    You don’t have to master e-mail marketing or social media marketing to use them, and you’re taking a huge risk by not using them and relying on SEO only.
    I understand that your goal with these videos is to promote your SEO tools, but you’re going too far here.

      • Ahrefs
      • August 16, 2023

      Appreciate your comment. I think there’s a misunderstanding here 🙂 I’m not suggesting to focus only on SEO. The video also talks about branching out to other areas where you have transferrable skills. The reason for this is because the learning curve will be shallower. SEO is also just an example based on my own experience and has nothing to do with our tools.

      The main point that I think is being missed here is that you cannot ‘master’ your craft if you’re trying to learn everything in digital marketing at once. This is a common ‘trap’ that new people to the field fall into. Imo, it’s counterproductive to growth – especially in an ocean as vast as DM.

    • MJ98 774
    • August 16, 2023

    Not consuming any more content before I implement everything I’ve learned first….best way of avoiding shiny object syndrome. So very true.

    • Ihsan Santoso
    • August 16, 2023

    The thumbnail really inspired by senator we run ads haha
    Good tho 😂

    • Turquoise Lizzie
    • August 16, 2023

    Well,well,well this just came at the right time for me thank you

      • Ahrefs
      • August 16, 2023

      Happy to hear that! 🙌

      • Murshid Alam
      • August 16, 2023

      Same bro

    • Ilm O Adab
    • August 16, 2023

    Make a full series on it.

      • Ahrefs
      • August 16, 2023

      Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

    • Stanley Igboanugo
    • August 16, 2023

    First to comment! I deserve a prize please 😭

    Cutting yourself from all new content is the best tip that I’ve heard in a while.

      • Ahrefs
      • August 16, 2023


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