Keyword Rarely Shown Due To Low Quality Score Eligible Limited


Discover what you should do when your keyword is rarely being shown due to low quality score.

The message "Eligible Limited Due to Low Quality Score" in Google Ads indicates that your keyword is experiencing limitations in terms of eligibility to participate in ad auctions due to a low Quality Score. Here's a breakdown of what this means:

Quality Score: Google assigns a Quality Score to each keyword in your Google Ads account. This score is based on the keyword's relevance to your ad, the quality of your landing page, and the historical performance of your keyword in terms of clicks and user experience.

Eligibility Limitation: When a keyword has a low Quality Score, Google may limit its eligibility to participate in ad auctions. This means that your ad for this keyword may not be shown as frequently or in as prominent positions as ads with higher Quality Scores.

Impact on Ad Performance: Keywords with low Quality Scores may result in higher costs per click (CPC) and lower ad positions. Improving the Quality Score of your keywords is crucial for enhancing the performance and cost-effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns.

To address this issue, consider the following actions:

Keyword Relevance: Ensure that your keyword is highly relevant to your ad copy and the content of your landing page.

Ad Copy Quality: Create compelling and relevant ad copy that aligns with the user's search intent.

Landing Page Experience: Optimize your landing page to provide a positive and relevant experience for users who click on your ads.

Historical Performance: Review the historical performance of the keyword and identify areas for improvement, such as click-through rate (CTR) and ad engagement.

By taking steps to improve the Quality Score of the affected keyword, you can enhance its eligibility and potentially achieve better ad placement and cost efficiency in Google Ads auctions.

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    • @AndrewScarella
    • November 30, 2023

    Hi. You said the quality score is not used in the auction, what are the factors that are used in the auction to determine where my site appears in the search results?

    • @maazahmed1695
    • November 30, 2023

    making a separate ad group for a single keyword will not work. making thematically ad group will work

    • @kevinp9110
    • November 30, 2023

    You are the gold standard of Youtube videos and knowledge spreader.

    • @illbill5971
    • November 29, 2023

    As for my understanding quality score is based on exact match and you are not going to see an improvement by changing the match type. I still use 2-3 match types for some keywords, but just to compare the cost x conversion easily. Am I misinformed?

      • @illbill5971
      • November 30, 2023

      @@Surfsideppc I feel you. Sometimes quality score seems not really on point. Did you try praying more? Just joking, several times I had luck adding the plural (or singular ) form which often should have a very similar quality score, but I noticed increments of 2-4 points sometimes. My “nightmare” is landing page experience. Got a few pages with 15% CR and rated below average… sometimes I feel like it would be better rated with more text, which I like to keep short and clean and straight to the point, even if it would affect conversion rate. I guess as always, sperimenting is key but I don’t obsess on quality score anymore if I get enough volume for my keywords. Thanks for your videos and response.

      • @Surfsideppc
      • November 30, 2023

      I believe you are right actually, I mean it more in terms of making sure all of my search terms are as relevant as possible and that my campaign is as organized as it can possibly be. Honestly this specific example has my head spinning because I have really relevant ads to the keyword and my landing pages are geared towards the keywords that are showing low quality scores. The whole website is relevant to the keyword as well so I’m just willing to test anything at this point to see if I can improve it because it’s a keyword that drives conversions.

    • @karimmetawaa2987
    • November 29, 2023

    We need a video about the last google update of HCU

      • @tomasbud
      • November 30, 2023

      What is that? HCU

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