Link Building Tactics No One is Talking About


In this video, you’ll learn new link building tactics that no one is talking about.

Additional Link Building Resources

Link Building for Beginners: Complete Guide to Get Backlinks ►

How to Get your First 100 Backlinks ►

Link Building for a New Website: 5 Actionable Ways to Get More Backlinks ►

Link Building Case Study (SEO Stats Post) [Playlist] ►

Complete Advanced Link Building Course ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) [Playlist] ►


The first link building tactic is guest post updates. With guest posts, you pitch editors and owners of websites to create new content for them, which often comes with a backlink to your website. The downside is that your content will be on a new URL with little authority.

But you can solve this issue by asking editors and owners of websites if you can update one of their pages.

Want to learn how to find the pages for an update and pitch the editors? Watch the video.

The next link building tactic is redirect link building. It follows similar principles to broken link building, but instead of 404 pages, you’re looking for 301s. Then you reach out to the people linking to that irrelevant page redirect and ask them to link to you instead.

Watch the video to learn more about how you can benefit from this tactic.

Another link building tactic is the product feedback technique. You find blog posts ranking for queries like “best product name” where your product isn’t featured and offer the authors your product in exchange for feedback. If they like your product, you can ask them to be included in their article.

Want to learn about this tactic more? Watch the video.

The final link building tactic is to earn links to link-bait pages. It is based on the theory of the vicious cycle of SEO when people search for a query in Google and read the #1 result. And because that first result is getting exposure because of its ranking position, it’ll naturally earn more links to that page, allowing it to rank in the first position.

The good news is that Google search ads can help you to sit at the top of the SERP and become a part of this vicious cycle.

Watch the video to learn what you need to bit for the proper ads.


0:00 Intro
0:10 Guest posts update
3:52 Redirect link building
5:45 Product feedback technique
8:24 Use Google ads to earn links to link-bait pages

#linkbuildingtactics #linkbuilding #backlink

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    • Sam Samo
    • October 5, 2022

    Thanks. I have a 301 redirect in the (.htaccess) from “.html” to without the “.html” extension, do I also need to add a “canonical tag” for each page? or does it make no sense and the 301 redirect is enough?

    • Online selling container mall
    • October 5, 2022

    Very informative thanks you so much sir

    • Soum Web
    • October 5, 2022

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    • Etrit
    • October 5, 2022

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    • YEG Digital
    • October 5, 2022

    This is so good. I love watching you actually use Ahrefs to filter the data. Most of the time I just use the basic filters and search but these videos help make our team power users.

    • A.educate
    • October 5, 2022

    Best video

    • A.educate
    • October 5, 2022

    Love u from Afghanistan

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