Will ChatGPT and Bard Take Over SEO? AI Explained


Learn how the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, Sydney, and Google’s Bard might impact the future of SEO.

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There has been a lot of concern regarding the potential negative impact of AI tools on SEO. However, in the short term, these changes may not be as drastic as they are often portrayed on social media. The current hype around AI tools feels similar to the hype surrounding voice search a few years ago – albeit, the AI tools of today are on a different level.

This video provides an overview of AI and its subsets such as NLP, machine learning, and deep learning. You will gain an understanding of how ChatGPT and other large language models work. By understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of these tools, we can make better guesses on how they will impact SEO.

While the full extent of the impact of AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Sydney on search engine optimization is not yet clear, it is likely that there will be winners and losers. Watch the video to learn more about the possible impact of AI tools on SEO.

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    • SolidState
    • May 3, 2023

    Calling ChatGPT (particularly GPT- 4) voice search 2.0 is incredibly naïve. That’s like comparing a car with no wheels on blocks to the car you drive every day. One of them works and the other doesn’t. Going from voice search to GPT-4 is not a mild version upgrade, or any version upgrade. It’s a new species, literally. One is just a dumb, clunky, awkward interface to existing search. The other passes exams 99% of people can’t even pass, can run software with APIs and plugins, and has the potential to be in everyone’s ear like Scarlett Johansson in HER.

    • Juliana Misiko
    • May 3, 2023

    Anyone offering seo internship?

    • maycusa
    • May 3, 2023

    After a decade of Seo, I learned a couple of things. It doesn’t work if you don’t do Sem.

    • Stephanie Manley
    • May 3, 2023

    I feel like when it comes to content SEO the AI helps you to write to the middle of the pack, and the individual’s work is still important. AI is great for context, and it is helpful, but for now, I am not sure it will replace SEO.

    • Scriptytimmy
    • May 3, 2023

    Hi! I have such a question. I was having a conversation with GPT-4, then I ran out of 25 messages and switched the model back to 3.5. Now more than 3 hours have passed, how do I switch the model back to GPT-4?🤔

    • Muhil Arasan
    • May 3, 2023

    This video explains how seo overcomes from AI. But personally, I’ve gained ideas about the main aim of search engines, and also how important the expertise content is. Your videos inspires me a lot for becoming more expertise in my field. Thanks for this video and your works.

    • Maria Belen Seyss Inquart
    • May 3, 2023

    In the countries where AI is more advanced, that did not happen. We don´t see that websites disappeared or anything. AI takes information from existing content in the web.

    • Thomas Tomiczek
    • May 3, 2023

    AI can not get real world experience – ok, agreed. But it can get all the experience that people publish about. Travel articles? What about training it with every travel blog and travel journal and tourist marketing a team can get their hand on. Here is a hint: between that and the reviews on sites there is little an AI can not summarize and then spit out as their own experience. Nothing is uniquely new in this field. Same with product reviews. i t does not matter that the AI has the experience as long as it can demonstrate experience. And how would google know the difference? We are now on a point where AI can be used to prepare the training data for AI – which means we get into the territory of computers making computers better.

      • Martin Zanichelli
      • May 3, 2023

      I don´t think that people wants to read some text artificially generated about the best hotels or travel spots instead of reading a real persn experience. Even if the AI content is accurate, what is not right now. It is just taking what is already in the web and that does not add much. You will get indexed, but I don´t think AI can rank better than a travel blog like the Booking blog or Trip Advisor.

    • James Moore
    • May 3, 2023

    Good video. Now if only Ahrefs would stop ripping us off with the credit system we be great 😂

    • Nadir Ul Kaysar
    • May 3, 2023

    SEO will never dead because it’s all about search box where we do queries. AI won’t able to do that.

      • Nadir Ul Kaysar
      • May 3, 2023

      @SolidState about ai, requires data. Let’s say you told ai to give you tips about how to make website indexing fast. Gpt will collect data on the highest success rate content which has well-optimized, plagiarism checked, and good review and then AI bakes its way and bring it on your table. How because those content was optimized by the SEO guy properly. Same as other niches.

      • SolidState
      • May 3, 2023

      I’m not sure what you mean. AI IS the search box. Every time we type something into a search box, we’re asking an algorithm to give us an answer. As long as the answer remains a page of blue links we’ll be okay. But that’s up to Bing, Google, and user behavior and very little to do with AI at this point. GPT-4 (especially once connected to the web) will be more than capable of handing most queries. So it’s not a matter of AI killing SEO. It already can for the most part. Now it’s just a matter of how Google and Bing implement it, and how people use it.

      And the argument that AI can’t create new content has nothing to do with whether people use it as their search engine (daily assistant, companion, or whatever) or not. If they do, traffic on sites will drop and people will stop creating new content for the web. So, we all lose. But it wouldn’t be the first time people did something against their better long-term interests.

      • Nadir Ul Kaysar
      • May 3, 2023

      ​@SoulpunkTV Funny fact is AI search database for you to do SEO from search queries which optimized by SEO experts. lol So, SEO won’t be dead.

      • SoulpunkTV
      • May 3, 2023

      Until we arrive at predictive SEO where AI is delivering the info you need at the right moment before you even ask. We’ll get there.

    • unicornshampoo
    • May 3, 2023

    Every website would become the same. By writing as a human you would stand out. Irony.

    • Siddhant
    • May 3, 2023

    AI can never replace human work!

      • Manoj Maity
      • May 3, 2023

      SOmetime accepting the reality is hard.

      • Dennis
      • May 3, 2023

      It already has and this is the Windows 3.1 version of it 👀

      • Thomas Tomiczek
      • May 3, 2023

      Ah, those stupid statements. Look up the definition of NEVER. See, cars will NEVER replace the horse carriage. What about 100 years?

    • Ankit Chauhan
    • May 3, 2023


    • Emran Mahmud
    • May 3, 2023

    Niche thumbnail Sam.

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